我的家常生活 ^_^: 『食谱』客家菜板 Hakka "Choi Ban" (Hakka Vegetable Kuih)

Music 音乐

Saturday, August 2, 2014

『食谱』客家菜板 Hakka "Choi Ban" (Hakka Vegetable Kuih)

材料 Ingredients:
馅料 Filling:
虾米 Dried Shrimp
8nos 蒜苗 Leek
4pcs 豆腐干 Bean Curd (Tofu)

板皮 Skin:
240g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
4tbsp 糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour
480ml 清水 Plain Water

10tbsp 薯粉 Tapioca Starch
2tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil

做法 Method:
1. 虾米用水泡至软,沥干水份,剁碎备用。
Soaked dried shrimp till soft, drained, minced and set aside.

2. 蒜苗洗净,切幼; 豆腐干切成小丁。
Washed leek, shreded it; diced bean curd.

3. 锅内放少许食油,油热后爆香虾米, 放入蒜苗和豆腐干,翻炒至熟,依据个人喜好调味。盛入碗,待凉备用。
In a wok, add in some cooking oil, saute dried shrimp till fragrance, add in leek and bean curd, stir fry till cooked, season according to personal preferences, dish up and set aside.

4. 将粘米粉和糯米粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift rice flour and glutinous rice flour, mix well.

5. 将清水煮沸,立刻加入粘米粉和糯米粉,迅速搅拌直均匀。
Boil plain water, add in rice flour and glutinous flour immediately, stir well quickly.

6. 将做法5放入大盘,加入材料B, 趁热搓成幼滑的面团。
Put dough in method 5 into a big bowl, add in ingredient B, knead into pliable dough while still hot.

7. 将面团分割成小粒, 压成小片,包入陷料,放在抹了油的盘。
Divide the dough into small ball, flatten it, wrapped in filling, place on a tray that has been greased with cooking oil.

8. 热水上锅,蒸10分钟。
Steam over boiling water for 10 minutes.

9. 蒸好后,即刻刷上少许食油。
Brush a thin layer of cooking oil on the Choi Ban once cooked.

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